Pity poor Brad and Angelina. Or should that be Angelina and Brad? The pecking order, like those that used to be hashed out by film…
Pity poor Brad and Angelina. Or should that be Angelina and Brad? The pecking order, like those that used to be hashed out by film…
Boris Johnson and the burka have, mysteriously – or perhaps not so mysteriously – dominated the news for ten days since his throwaway line in…
Craving the indulgence of non-English readers, who will be bored or baffled by what follows, I’m going to lament the imminent decline and fall of…
Parental attitudes have changed since my childhood days. Back then, in the 1940s and 1950s, a child accused of bad behaviour was almost automatically presumed…
Now that the politicians have all buggered off for a well-earned summer break from the mentally exhausting work of turning this country into an irretrievable…
The weather forecast for Britain is hot and humid for the entire week. That in itself is hardly worthy of note, even in a country…
No matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to get away from writing about Donald Trump. Heaven knows, I try. I would rather write…
Let us reverse the roles. Imagine if you will that the British prime minister, or the German chancellor, arrives in the United States and goes…
Heading up towards Manchester this weekend for a wedding, I had been hoping for a leisurely drive through England’s green and pleasant land. What I…
A reader wants to know why I have seen fit not to comment on the football World Cup, coverage of which seems currently to dominate…